Evaluation of the European instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE)

European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

European Commission - Dg ECFIN

  • Start Date: July 2023

  • Status: In Progress

The overall objective of the research is to evaluate the impact of SURE, the European instrument for temporary Support to mitigate the Unemployent Risks in an Emergency, including a detailed analysis on the extent to which SURE supports national measures and whether the SURE framework was effective in minimising the risk of irregularities and fraud.
t33, as subcontractor of ICF SA, plays the role of national expert for Italy, supporting data collection and national stakeholders consultations, including the conductions of interviews.

Alessandro Valenza
Partner and Founder

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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