Transnational technical assistance for Phase II and III of the IFISE project

Generalitat Valenciana, Dirección General de Fondos Europeos, Conselleria de Hacieda y Modelo Económico

  • Start Date: December 2018

  • Status: Complete

The IFISE Project (‘Innovative Financial Instruments in support of the Social Economy’) is funded through the multi-regional assistance initiative of the European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) under the fi-compass platform, with the purpose of stimulating the exchange and mutual learning between regions.

The regional authorities and agencies involved in IFISE consortium are: Piedmont (Finpiemonte – coordinator), Lombardy (Finlombarda and Regione Lombardia), Andalusia (IDEA regional financial and development agency) and Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana and Institut Valencià de Finances).

Beyond investigating the feasibility of innovative financial instruments in the social sector in the 4 regions involved, IFISE also aims to build capacity of managing authorities and intermediate bodies to facilitate and increase the use of such financial instruments in the future.
Within this contract, t33 fulfils the role of ‘transnational technical assistance team’. Its area of expertise are State aid, the use of financial instruments under ERDF and ESF and social impact measurement.

t33 works closely with other consulting firms to provide technical assistance for the feasibility analysis and the operational proposal of the instruments. Moreover, t33 is responsible for the drafting of a handbook with guidelines for ‘Setting up financial instruments with a social impact’.

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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