Promoting the internal capacities of institutions/ organisations is a core mission. In our view, capacity building entails two dimensions: Social (personal, work-unit and organisation) and Cognitive (awareness, knowledge and skill).
We contributed to regional, national and EU capacity building processes. We designed the Italian stakeholder dialogue process preparing the Alpine Space Transnational Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Dozens of public and private participants, mainly regional and local stakeholders, in Turin and Venice saw t33 experts as facilitators. We were also involved in highly technical training sessions, such as requests for payment, including expenditure for financial instruments, organised by the French Ministry for authorities managing ERDF, ESF, EAFRD. During the Italian Presidency of the EU in 2014, we prepared and discussed with representatives of the 28 Member States a paper on the Institutional and Administrative Capacity. Recently our team has played an increasingly important role in the fi‑compass platform, promoted by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank to increase the knowledge and use of financial instruments in European Structural and Investment funds. Between 2016 and 2017 our team coordinated 43 events in 26 EU Member States and 13 training sessions for the European Commission. Our internal experts can offer training solutions in English, French, and Italian.
We work on the whole capacity building cycle. From the analysis of needs. Interviews and focus groups collect information not emerging from desk reviews. We use tools such as the competence matrix to identify intervention priorities. Our capacity building action is normally based on original content enabled by our studies. Past examples cover financial instruments, indicators and standard costs. We prepare structured learning material such as guides and manuals. We organise the most appropriate competence transfer solutions: a focused workshop or a big event to spread content, a single lesson or an in-depth training course. When an initiative is organised, we use advanced IT solutions for preparation, registration, management and follow-up. Our evaluation approach involves carefully verifying the progress of participants. We use specific facilitation and training tools and techniques depending on the topics, objectives, timing and number of participants. Our experts use role playing to adapt to a specific context, the world cafè technique to discuss strategic or operational topics within groups, speed networking to transfer contents between large groups of people and visual reporting to graphically represent the contents and results of a course or event.
Why t33
Our capacity building solutions use contents generated by our team. These are developed by t33 experts with experience as evaluators, technical assistance providers and authors of studies for EU institutions. This allows us to integrate the practices of institutions and organisations, offering tools/ solutions and generating the change.