Study to support the mid-term evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2021-2027 financed by the ERDF, Cohesion Fund and JTF

European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

European Commission - Dg REGIO

  • Start Date: January 2024

  • Status: In Progress

The study provides an analysis of ways in which ERDF, CF, and JTF funding has been designed and programmed across the EU. Based on the analysis of the ERDF, CF and JTF intervention logics, the study provides an assessment of the funds' effectiveness, efficiency, coherence with other policies, relevance and EU added value. It also evaluates how the new cohesion policy design differs from previous funding periods, considering aspects such as delivery systems, simplification measures, technical assistance, administrative capacity, partnership principles, multi-level coordination, implementation progress, potential program amendments, and coherence with other EU funding instruments.

The study, which contributes to the mid-term evaluation conducted by the European Commission, covers the ERDF, CF and JTF design, programming and implementation starting from 1 January 2021 in the 27 Member States. It encompasses all the categories of regions (less developed regions, transition regions, more developed regions and Outermost and Northern sparsely populated regions) and covers all ERDF and CF 5 policy objectives and 23 specific objectives, the 2 JTF specific objectives, the 2 Interreg specific objectives, all 182 intervention fields and all relevant programmes.

The study is led by t33, in consortium with Spatial Foresight GmbH and OIR GmbH.

Last Projects

Clarissa Amichetti

Policy Analyst

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